BioArt Quick & (not) Dirty
The BioArt course was designed as an introduction to living systems and their relations to habitat. We experienced in using lab tools such as microscopes, centrifuges and incubators. We practiced in taking care of bacteria, protists and fungi. Along the experiments we discussed questions such as How organisms share their time and space with other organisms? What are the borders between living and non-living? How to understand a transgenic organism?”
Teilnehmende: Robert Metzner, Dimitri Engelhardt, Nele Seifert, Freya Probst, Fernanda Caicedo, Maike Alisha Effenberg
Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung Professur Gestaltung medialer Umgebungen
Die Ausstellung wird nur am Freitag, 3. Februar 2017 stattfinden!
Marienstraße 7b, Raum 202